Friday, November 26, 2010

Who is telling the story? What do you know about your main character?

'"I can ride a bike," I said. "I just... I haven't had the opportunity in a while.' Sarah Dessen, Along for the Ride 107

Learning to ride a bike was only one of the things Auden was deprived of as a kid. Along with knowledge about friends, boyfriends, jealous ex-girlfriends, and most of the things a girl would learn as she grew up. This quotes describes her exactly. It shows that she shows interest in learning about these things, even as small as riding a bike, and just how sheltered she was.  She knows more about chemistry and physics, then about shopping, and boys. She's experienced so little growing up. She never had to deal with any of this, because her parents wouldn't let her. They sheltered her too much. She needed to grow up, and learn about things that aren't in a text book. 

The lyrics to this song reminded me of Auden, because her life was just as sheltered as the artist describes in the song.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Character Archetypes

"'I can't stay here.'
He rubbed his forehead: it was prickling again; it had not hurt like this for more than a year. 'You're all in danger while I'm here. I don't want-'" JK Rowling, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 72

Harry Potter is the perfect example of an archetype hero. He is not only willing and adventurous, but endures separation, hardship, and is self sacrificing. He looses his godfather, his parents, and his childhood pet as well. Instead of drowning in self pity, he uses his lose to, motivate, himself almost. He knew from a very young age about loosing the people you love. So now, as a young man, tries to prevent other children from experiencing and knowing the same feeling. He always fights for the right thing, and puts his life on the line for the greater good.

Monday, November 1, 2010


"That's all. Just her body, just her clothes. They would not have seen her. No."  (James Howe, the watcher 4)

This quote reminds me of what most people are like today. When you first meet a new person, or just see someone on the streets, the first thing you notice about them is what they're wearing. You base your opinion of the person from that first glance at their appearence.  If you think that the person is good looking, or well dressed, you think they come from money, and/or, have a good popularity status. If you were to see this girl sittting on the side of the road, you wouldn't see her, or who she really is, you would see her clothes. She may be a good person, or this generation's einstein, but you wouldn't know, because all people look at are clothes.
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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dooley Takes The Fall - Summary

Dooley Takes The Fall by Norah McClintock.

Ryan Dooley, who prefers to be called Dooley, has just gotten out of prison for attacking a woman in her own home. After paying his dues to society, he goes to live with his uncle, the ex-cop, who keeps Dooley out of trouble, or as much as he can do to keep Dooley from going back to prison. When Dooley is a witness to the death of a boy at his school, Mark Everly, everything seems to start going wrong. He's interegated and blamed for other murders happening in the area, he looses a chance with Beth, the girl he's be trying to get to know, and everyone, including Beth, thinks he not only witnessed Marks death, but may caused it, aswell. When Dooley risks his life to learn the truth, no one will doubt Dooley innocence anymore.

Dooley takes the Fall was a very interesting book filled with suspence, mystery and adventure. It kept you thinking outside the box, and guessing what happens next. With every page turned, a new twist is revealed. The more into the book you get, the more you feel as though you know the charactors, and what they would do in the situations before they are confronted with them. To me, these are signs of a good book, and I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a suspencful novel that would test their mind and make them think.

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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Reading Quote.

"Anyone who says they have only one life to live must not know how to read a book.  ~Author Unknown"

If you've ever read a book, you know what it's like to escape into the world you're reading about. You could be reading about a mythical place like Camolot, or Hogwarts, or it could be just on the other side of the world, even the country next door. Either way, you get lost when you're reading a book. You escape into the land you're charactor is exploring, so it's just like you're right beside them with each step they take. Once you start reading a book, it's as though you've made yourself apart of the story, and when, and only when, you finish the book, you can put that story to rest, and start a new adventure. That's the feeling I got when I read The Gravesavers.